Category: Psychology

Amherst College Science Center

Below the SURFace: Amherst Students Present Their Research

A woman with long, curly hair wears light-washed jeans and a white button-up shirt. She smiles in front of a scientific-style poster. A staircase is behind her, and people mill about in the background.

By Nora Lowe On September 8, the Science Center was cleared of furniture and filled instead with student researchers. This year’s cohort of Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) participants presented more than 80 posters as the culmination of their multiweek experience of rigorous scientific inquiry across nine departments, as well as in collaboration with parties…

Positive Psychology: A Q&A with Professor Sanderson

Cover of Dr. Sanderson's book; rainbow design.

This year, the Amherst DeMott reading and lecture were centered around Poler Family Professor of Psychology Catherine Sanderson’s book, The Positive Shift: Mastering Mindset to Improve Happiness, Health, and Longevity. I sat down with her to ask a few questions inspired by the reading. Could you start by describing what your book, The Positive Shift…

The End of the Beginning: Thesis Progress, Applications, and Gnomes

A small garden gnome stands in short green grass. He has a red pointy hat, white beard and mustache, a green shirt, and blue pants. He holds a lantern up in his right hand.

Long time no see, everybody! It has definitely been a productive and exciting summer, and I cannot wait to tell you all about it! As I mentioned in my introductory post, this summer I worked on my psychology thesis. This project explores the emotions, threats, and prejudices that underlie evaluations of people who engage in…

Following the Script: Kelly Huang Thesis Spotlight

Kelly Huang ’22 is a mathematics and psychology major from Arcadia, California. Her thesis explores the relationship between anger scripts and psychological adjustment, specifically looking at depression, anxiety, and stress. A script is an assumption or expectation that people have in their heads about how different kinds of interactions are supposed to go. These expectations…

Ripple Effects: How Early Relationships Influence Health

On Wednesday, November 10, the Psychology Department’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee invited their first outside speaker to campus. Dr. Evelyn Mercado is a professor at UMass Amherst in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences. Her talk “Exploring Relationship Behaviors, Emotions, & Biological Processes that Impact Health Across the Lifespan” drew a large crowd…

Back in Action: Psychology SURF Presentations

On Friday, September 24, nine students from the psychology department presented their summer research in the Powerhouse to a crowd of students and professors. Topics ranged from prejudice to mental health to child development, and everyone was excited to share their findings. The first poster in the lineup was presented by Nyla Guadalupe ‘23, who…

Looking Back, Looking Forward: Conversations and Lab Work

Image courtesy of Vecteezy. Web Vectors by Vecteezy With the summer still far from over (right?!), the past couple months have been both valuable and satisfying. It would be misleading to say that this summer went by quickly, because the time I spent working in Professor Totton’s lab sticks with me. The three projects I…

Truth or Dare: Distrust of Trans Folks

Photo courtesy of City of Toronto Twitter account (@cityoftoronto) In order to give some background on my research this summer, I thought it made sense to discuss a paper written by my internship professor. In 2019, Rebecca Totton and Kimberly Rios published “,Predictors of anti-transgender attitudes: Identity-confusion and deception as aspects of distrust.” This paper…

Stereotypes and Prejudice in Psychology

How can we use science to fight injustice? What actually is a stereotype or prejudice? How do they work, and what can be done to push back against them? Ever wondered what social psychology cares about changing? If you’re curious, check out this quick overview of what it means to study stereotypes and prejudice in…