Tag: Computer Science

Amherst College Science Center

A New Look into Computer Science: An Interview with Professor Lillian Pentecost 

Article by Pho Vu In the beginning of the fall 2022 semester, I had the opportunity to sit down with Professor Lilian Pentecost, the newest addition to Amherst College’s Computer Science Department, for The Amherst Student’s “Fresh Faculty” article.  After our initial interview, I asked to follow up with Professor Pentecost to delve deeper into…

AI, Art, and Amherst College

On November 17, the Artificial Intelligence in the Liberal Arts Initiative, in collaboration with the Mead Art Museum, hosted an exhibition and panel called “Discussing Dall-E: The Impact of AI on Art.” The panel was moderated by Professor Lee Spector, and it featured Professor Yael Rice from the Art Department and Professor Scott Alfeld, Professor…