Episode O: Introducing STEMherst!

Host: ASN EBoard

Tune in as Amritha Anup ’22, Grace Geeganage ’23, Aditi Nayak ’23, Joy  Won ’23, and Julia Zabinska ’22 introduce STEMherst, Amherst STEM Network’s podcast! A transcript is available below.


[0:00] Intro

[0:38] What is ASN? 

[1:17] Why did we start a podcast?

[2:22] What should you expect from STEMherst?

[2:39] How can you submit a podcast idea?


Publisher: Amherst STEM Network

Podcasts Coordinator: Julia Zabinska

Music Composer: Grace Geeganage

Cover Art Designer: Chloe Kim


[0:00] Intro

Aditi: Hello everyone! My name is Aditi Nayak, and I’m the Editor-in-Chief of ASN. 

Grace: I am Grace Geeganage, ASN’s media coordinator.

Julia: Hey! I’m Julia Zabinska and I’m the treasurer and podcast coordinator of Amherst STEM Network. 

Joy: Hello! My name is Joy Won, and I’m the creative director of the ASN. 

Amritha: I’m Amritha Anup, and I am the webmaster for ASN.

Aditi: And welcome to STEMherst, the Amherst STEM Network’s podcast!

[Intro Music]

[0:38] What is ASN?

Julia: So what exactly is ASN? What do you guys even do?

Joy: Well, we aim to connect Amherst students to STEM events and research happening specifically in the Amherst College Community. 

Aditi: We also believe that because STEM research and events are inspired by the questions we have about our lives, everyone should be able to understand it, regardless of their scientific background or interest. So, we strive to make STEM accessible in our work.

Amritha: We do this mainly by interviewing student researchers, thesis students, Professors, alumni, and anyone else conducting a STEM project. 

Grace: We turn these interviews into articles, databases, Instagram stories, and now…PODCASTS!

[1:17] Why did we start a podcast?

Julia: Why did ASN decide to start a podcast in the first place?

Joy: Being remote, we at ASN realized how exhausting it can be to stare at a screen all day. We wanted to create a platform where you can actually hear others’ voices to learn more about the Amherst STEM community instead of reading articles. Hearing the voices of others made us feel more connected despite how far apart we are.

Amritha: When brainstorming new platforms to make us feel more connected, we stumbled upon podcasts. Listening to podcasts can feel like talking to a friend while you work on something else. Through STEMherst, we want to be that friend who helps you learn something new everytime you talk. 

Grace: We also realized just how accessible podcasts are in a remote setting, especially from a STEM perspective. Podcasts provide a great platform to engage with the person you’re interviewing and interact with their research or project in a more individual way.

Julia: So far, we’ve talked with internship advisors for students from this past summer, questioned professors about how their research is going, and interviewed the Acting Director of the National Cancer Institute in order to connect the Amherst STEM community. 

[2:22] What should you expect from STEMherst?

Aditi: Through STEMherst, you can expect to encounter the same conversations with students, faculty, and alumni but in a new format! 

We will also have a segment on our podcast from the Sustainable Ocean Alliance, in which they interview people involved in Ocean and Sustainability research.

[2:39] How can you submit a podcast idea?

Julia: If you or your organization is interested in having a segment on our podcast or if you have an idea for a podcast, use the nomination form on the ASN website at amherststemnetwork dot com or contact me, Julia Zabinska, to learn more about how to get involved. 

Aditi: We hope you stay tuned for more!

[outro music]